OUR Cycling & Ride Route Map GIFTS

Choose the perfect gift to celebrate that particular road or offroad ride. Whether it’s a Grand Fondo road race an étape from The Tour de France or a cross-country gift you are looking for or something in between, we’ve got you covered. Our traditional ride map prints use the visual beauty of the streets, but what do we do when there are few roads and a stonking great climb? We show off that topography by adding shading to the base map to celebrate those hills and valleys you’ve conquered. Our cycling & ride route gifts can be made for organised events and one-off rides or cycles that you have recorded on your own device via Strava, MapMyRun and similar. (Really? How?).


  • Yes, it makes no difference to us. We just require a route, you can add a link to Strava or upload a GPX/KML file when you order.

  • For us creating your map, nothing. Whether you have completed a Grand Fondo (“big ride”) an étape (those who take on a stage of La Tour) or conquered the great outdoors. All we need is a route.

Personalisation & Detail of our Cycle Route Maps

Works with “Any” event (How?)

Ride map - Options

So you’ve completed your ride and you’ve decided that you want to frame it, great news we can help. Here we’ll walk you through all the different layouts that we offer in framing.

Any Ride Route Map WITH Photo & MEDAL display Frame

  • Size - 20”x10”

  • FREE Personalization

  • Framed as standard

  • Optional photo print & fit service

  • Choose frame colour (Black or White or Oak)

  • Choose mount colour (Black or White)

  • Fits the majority of race bibs

  • ‘ANY’ Distance, year and event. We can pull your ride data from Strava or GPX/KML

  • 100% money back guarantee, if we can’t create your route

Any Ride route MAP WITH photo display Frame

  • Size - 15”x10”

  • FREE Personalization

  • Framed as standard

  • Choose frame colour (Black or White or Oak)

  • Choose mount colour (Black or White)

  • Multiple Colours - Photo printing

  • ‘ANY’ Distance, year and event. We can pull your ride data from Strava or GPX/KML

  • 100% money back guarantee, if we can’t create your route


We also have a pure map only version, highlight just the ride, no photos, no medals just the route. Simply select you framing options and colour and we will do the rest.

Any Ride route MAP Framed

  • Size - Small or Large

  • Orientation to match your route best

  • FREE Personalization

  • Framed as standard

  • Choose frame colour (Black or White or Oak)

  • Multiple Colours

  • ‘ANY’ Distance, year and event. We can pull your ride data from Strava or GPX/KML

  • 100% money back guarantee, if we can’t create your route

We can create cycling route prints and medal display frames for any Gran Fondo or cycling event from your ride data. However, there are a few customer favorites that stand out throughout the year. These events are often popular with both first-time participants and seasoned cyclists. As they hold a special place for many riders, we offer the ability to add race photos and medals to these prints (though this option is available for all events).

Some of the most popular cycling events for custom prints include:

L'Étape du Tour de France - Gran Fondo New York City (GFNY) - RBC Gran Fondo Whistler - Gran Fondo Alberto Contador - Triple Bypass

These events are known for their challenging routes, beautiful scenery, and the opportunity to ride on roads often used in professional races. They attract thousands of cyclists each year, making them perfect subjects for commemorative prints and displays.

*Note: While some events may use trademarked terms in their names, we are not affiliated with these organizations. Any mention of specific events is due to their popularity among our customers.

Our Most Popular Gifts For Cyclists

Popular Cycling Events we have made gifts for